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What Is CRES?

Centre for Real Estate Studies (CRES) focuses on areas related to the real estate sector. It manages activities related to research, consultancy and knowledge advancement in the various real estate disciplines such as valuation, asset and facilities management, land administration and development, property market and feasibility studies, GIS-and-computer-based solutions, etc.

In line with its purpose as a center of excellence in real estate it also include the following functions:
  • To plan, organize, coordinate, and implement activities in the five main areas of excellence: research, consultancy, courses and seminars, publications and external collaborations.
  • To act as an agent of knowledge advancement among staff and students beyond the normal teaching courses. This will include research and other series of publication that are capable of the academic improvement and relevant to the real estate industry.
  • To become an organ that is capable of supporting the university in generating financial resources through its activities.

Thursday, May 22, 2008



Research Direction

To establish research direction in Real Estate and Land Administration & Development.

Research Focus

To establish focus areas based on research priority areas and national interests, to finalize identified research topics, to identify industrial research partner and to prepare research proposal.

Research Groups

To form research groups based on focus areas, to prepare brochures on research focus areas and expertise, to upload brochures / information on FKSG’s web and to promote CRES existence to relevant parties.

Research Lab

To establish Asset & Facilities Management Lab, Land Information Management Lab and iCAMA -GIS Lab.

Research Collaboration

To conduct meeting and discussion with agencies such as Jabatan Penilaian dan Pengurusan Harta (JPPH), Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR), State and Local Governments, Advance Maintenance and Precision Management (AMPM), Iskandar Region Development Area (IRDA), Pejabat Tanah Dan Galian (PTG), Foreign & Local Universities, FELDA, MAIN and JAWAZH.

Research Funding

The strategies used to increase funding are through organizing workshop to fill up and submit application forms and establishing collaboration with funding institutions such as government, Industry / Agencies and International. As for government sector, parties which involved are MOSTI, NAPREC, MOHE, JKR and State and Local Governments. For agency sector are AMPM, FELDA, CIDB and for international are RICS, World Bank and IDB.

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